Tuesday, 30 April 2013

The start.

I am starting a blog for various reasons. Firstly, I have always wondered to myself why does bloggers' lives always seem more exciting and colourful than other people. Maybe writing a blog will make you more aware of everything interesting happening around you. Which could be good in a way like it will make me happier for many more things. Secondly, I really do hope writing more will improve my English. Since I am going to be a teacher I guess it's important for me to speak good English in front of my kids. Even though I will be teaching Mathematics and Science I don't want to be caught in a situation I can't explain myself in proper English. That is too embarrassing, especially in front of the smart kids. Lastly, maybe I do secretly crave for attention. HAHAHA.ogay don't take the last one too seriously. Even if no one reads my blog I hope I will continue to commit to it. My language will not get more fantastic since I really don't have the habit of reading. I just hope that the posts will flow better overtime. 

Hi, I'm Tan Ti Fen. A final year student in NTU, SBS. I was initially accepted into Chinese course but short-sighted me don't see a future if I stayed in that course. I am finally graduating after 8 torturous semesters but I'm glad love had accompanied me for the last 4 sems. I will continue to share more about myself in later posts. Tada for now!(:
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